Saturday, December 1, 2012

Marijuana As A De-Stressor?

As previously posted, the few marijuana trials I did were not effective in terms of helping with my hair-pulling. I still felt urges to pull even while I was high, and this was disappointing.

On a related note, I had an episode last night. I never pull my brows, and now I have to draw in most of my left one. It's ridiculous. I've never pulled my brows before and this is getting worse and worse.

As a desperate attempt to stop myself, I smoked half a joint (I had it lying around for a while from previous trials) in hopes of alleviating the symptoms.

Surprisingly, it helped tremendously. I'm beginning to wonder if weed only helps while you feel stressed. When I smoked it without the "need" but for trial reasons, it didn't help, but when I tried it while under extreme stress, it relieved my symptoms amazingly.

I was sitting watching TV, and although I was day dreaming and starring into nothing really, this incredible sense of calm fell over me. I felt amazing, and relaxed. I felt good.

Also note, however, that I got this weed from a different dealer than from previous trials. I am in the midst of finding out what strain this particular marijuana was, because that might have made the difference.

Indica strains are the ones used to medically treat anxiety. If this is the strain I smoked last night, then perhaps I was wrong all along. Maybe it helps, but it depends on the type/quality of the weed.

I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. One thing I've tried- drinking stress relief tea- keeps your hands busy and de-stresses. check our, there is a trich forum with some other peoples' stories and tips and experiences. good luck, I feel your struggle.
