Friday, February 10, 2012

A gene mutation behind Trich?

This video (which many of you probably have seen already) states that Trichotillomania is linked to a gene mutation; that is it not a learnt behaviour but something we are impulsed to do as a side effect from this mutation.

How old were you when you started pulling? I was in 3rd grade (and I didn't know what I was doing at the time). This whole "it's genetic" thing might not be as far-fetched as I had originally thought, because my mother is a skin-picker, and my hair-pulling was a result of urges, not a learnt behaviour.

On the downside, if it is something that is genetic, I don't want that to justify my pulling and make me feel less inclined to stop pulling because "it's genetic anyway, it's who I am and I can't change that". But if it is genetic, then it is simply a predisposition to compulsive behaviours. Because after all, there are hundreds of recovered hair-pullers, and they didn't have to change their DNA.

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