Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Trichotillomania In The Press

FutuRéale Magazine has dedicated one month's issue to create an Awareness Edition. This edition's Trichotillomania piece includes one of our anonymous posters who was kind enough to share their story, and also an interview with psychotherapist Karen Pickett from the OCD Center in Los Angeles (also known for her appearances on A&E's Obsessed).

The piece is now available online and can be viewed here.


  1. I've suffered from trich for around 7 years now. I'm interested in reading the article but i can't enlarge it!! any ideas?

  2. Hi Ariel,

    Try this link.


    Click on the article itself and it should enlarge so you can read it. Let me know if this works :) And thank you for your itnerest!
